Greenleaf Announces Full NEM Operations of 9mW

Greenleaf-TNX is pleased to announce that its Ironwood and Chuckwalla project have been placed into full NEM Operation. These projects originally interconnected under Rule-21 interconnection rules were throttled to non-export power conditions. CA Senate Bill SB862, signed into law by Governor Brown in 2014 enabled these projects to run in as net-metered systems. After many months of working with our partners at the utility, the CA Department of Corrections we are very pleased to have received Permission to Operate as Net Metered systems on February 5th, 2016”, said Thomas Yap.

“Enabling these systems to operate as net-metered projects will substantially increase output and result in greater saving to our partners. We thank everyone for their excellent efforts to make these the first systems to be placed into service under SB862”, Thomas further commented.

Figure: Power output substantially increased the first day of non-curtailed operations

About Greenleaf-TNX

Greenleaf-TNX Management is a renewable energy asset management firm. The firm’s mission is to move renewable energy investments into the mainstream. Greenleaf-TNX partners with ‘best of breed’ operators to operate projects with world-class expertise. The firm both originates and finances renewable projects and owns and operates down-stream renewable energy assets. For more information, please email:

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