GTR Greenfield Millbrook Solar project Complete

Greenleaf-TNX Resources, LLC is pleased to announce completion construction of its GTR Greenfield Millbrook Solar project in Greenfield, MA. The project was fully developed de-novo by GTR and sold at NTP. While the project is no longer owned by GTR, the company is thrilled to see this project online.

The project utilizes fixed axis tracking and will provide approximately 1,926 MWh of energy annually, under long-term contract.

Photo of completed project

Animation of completed project

Location: Greenfield, MA
Name Plate Size: 1.435 MW (total
Estimated Annual Output: 1,926 MWh per year
Expected Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Approx. 4,000,000 lbs of CO2 per year*

* per Oak Ridge National Laboratory Estimates

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